Student Before Entering Examination Room
Suppose a student is standing outside the examination room. He has a book in hand. What would his thoughts be when he is about to enter the room. "I should revise this. No, I just missed out on this. The examination is about to start and I have not revised every thing. Why, here's the proof. This extra information here- how difficult it is, to memorise everything now. I better had stayed up one hour more at night. Should I make chits to take it in. That way, I would not need to memorise and I can even get full marks. What pride it would be. But, wait a minute. Would it be right? What if I get caught? No, that is not too good an idea. (The bell rings). Oh God, the bell has rung! And I am thinking about this meaningless stuff. Oh what! I left one page. I think I should keep the book down and now and not panic about whatever I have left otherwise I will forget what all I have already memorised. I should go into the hall and answer whatever I remember. Other things, I will write...